Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Selamat hari raya..

Salam.Raye..Raye..Raye..This year punya raya ade kelainan sket..awat nye..sbb nyer..sbb nyer..aku raye ats katil..waaaa..!tp xper..syukur idop ag..So secara menyimpulnya..thn nih aku beraya kt umah..x balik kampong..Tp..sedey camne pn kite sambut ari raya..igt la..ade ag org sedey lagi pd

Selalu-lalu-lalunya on the eve of the celebrations, family members, especially my mothers , will be busy preparing food, cakes, sweets, biscuits and various delicacies to be served on the day of Hari Raya. Delicacies such as ketupat palas,ketupat rebus or rice cake and a meat cuisine called rendang nyam2 are among the most famous cuisines that are served during this day. Other family members will help in other chores such as decorating and cleaning up the house.But this year we r celebrating with pictures.keke.Sbb last year xde gambo.Tu la gambo family Baharudin for 2008 Aidilfitri.. open house Ajlaa..atau lebey glamour ngn name AJ AUTO.Ni schoolmate aku dahulu kalanya..kacak baligh dan matang gtu..

Maka aku datang la beraya ngn kaki satu aku..walau x ckup sipat maseh tegar utk kehulu kehilir..

Begambo ngn tuan rumah..tu haaa dok betongkat dagu..time kacih ajlaaa..


Amazing AJ said...

naseb baik i bertongkat dagu..

kalo i bertongkat kaki?


time kasih dtg yee ;p

Anonymous said...

dh bertongkat tu ..nk gak raye jln2..sape sebelah tu...haha -yang-

Anonymous said...

comment aku sama seperti Yang. mekaseyh~ :D

Amazing AJ said...


banyak ayang-s ko eh
